Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What do consumers really want?

Joseph Pine makes a very strong case for what consumers really want. Watch it here.

From our point of view, he makes a very strong case for branding. His description of authenticity, of value creation and what motivates consumers to buy is a coherent delivery of a company's value proposition that is, well, branding.

Consistency within the company, saying and doing the same thing, sticking to principles and avoiding "bullshit" is the branding process, that will deliver a brand that consumers can relate to and value as authentic. The end result, obviously, is profit.

For anyone to whom this may be important but confusing: Brand Manual offers a half-day "Branding ABC" course that explains the branding process and how to profit from it. Contact us.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Härga täis

Hiina uue aasta tervituseks korraldatud lumeskulptuurikonkurss Rotermanni kvartalis tõi auhinnalise koha ka Brand Manuali tiimile. Kummardame maani ja täname muusasid, abilisi, korraldajaid, Platzi kuuma kakao meistreid!

Iseenesest oli see õpetlik kogemus - kuidas aja peale, tihedas konkurentsis luua tiimitööna midagi sellist, mida sa pole kunagi varem teinud. Seda enam, et tegemist pole voolimisega, kus saad vabalt materjali mätsida ja mäkerdada, vaid puhtalt "äravõtmise" tehnikaga - kui tükk lund algsest presskuubikust juba ära on võetud, siis mingi ime läbi seda sinna enam tagasi ei pane. Nagu sapööridel, kus eksitakse vaid üks kord ;)

Aga taaskord sai kinnitust, et eeltöö ja ettevalmistus ning õiged tööriistad loovad õnnestumiseks head eeldused. Head uut aastat, tiigrid!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A bit of history

Before the Nazis took over the Swastika it was used by some other organizations. The Swastika is a good luck symbol. It remains widely used in Eastern religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

It is also engraved onto Carlsberg's famous elephants.